Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer goes fast - shop smart!

It's officially over. Summer.

This summer was good for me. I finished my MBA through Webster University; I won Jeweler of the Year from the Arkansas Jewelers Association. These are two significant accomplishments, and I'm proud of myself!

So now it's fall and it's time to think about Christmas, new jewels, affordable gifts for our customers' Christmas purchasing. As I think about advertising for the fall, I can't help but think about the biggest problem most of our customers have...

the false idea that there is a great bargain out there on the internet. It's just not true, so don't fall for that seductive idea! There is some bargain junk out there one the internet, and there are lots of non-bargains. We don't buy diamonds sight-unseen off the internet, so why should you?

You shouldn't! Don't do it! Take the time to shop locally. See it before you buy it.


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