Friday, November 27, 2009

Jewelry for Christmas? I have another idea too!

We are stocking the coolest non-jewelry gift this year! It's a beautiful writing pen with diamond or gemstone accent.

You can buy your favorite person, coworker, boss, doctor, or mailman this gift for $85 to $150.
These pens have the look of a fine Swiss writing instrument, but won't break the bank.

Come see them in person. I'm afraid a photo just doesn't do them justice!

Laura the Jewelry Lover
In store 6 days/week until Christmas!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Almost Christmas!

Every year retailers get excited about the Holiday Season, and I am, but I've got something else to be excited about. In this awful economic year of 2009, activity and sales at Stanley's are up, which is almost unheard of.

I think it's because we have such a great staff, helpful attitude, and we really love jewelry. Also it's helpful that our inventory is magnificent! We just put a 142-piece estate collection into stock, along with many other individual estate and brand new pieces. We have the biggest collection of estate jewelry ever!

Please come shop for the holidays. Starting Nov 14, we'll be open Saturdays through December, and I really think that if you're shopping for jewelry this season, we will be your final destination.
And why wouldn't you shop for's the one gift that lasts forever!

Jewelry Lover Laura